Frequently Asked Questions

The information provided below is for information purposes only and does not constitute legal advice.

What is a Deed Poll?

A Deed Poll is a legally binding document that proves a change of name. It can be used as legal evidence to show that you have changed your name. It is also known as a "Change of Name Deed" or "Deed of Change of Name". In order for the deed poll to be valid, it needs to be signed in the presence of a witness. On your Deed Poll, you declare that you;

- have stopped using your former name,

- have started using your new name and

- give authorisation for organisations and people to address you by your new name.

Can I change my child's name?

Yes, if all those who have parental responsibility for the child concerned, i.e. the mother and or father consent to the name change.


If you have sole parental responsibility, you do not need anyone else's consent to change your child's name.


If the child's mother and father both have parental responsibility, then they both need to agree on the change of name.


If both parents have parental responsibility, but permission cannot be obtained from one of them, i.e. because they refuse to consent, or because their whereabouts are unknown, then a specific court order needs to be obtained.

Who can act as a witness?

Anyone over the age of 18 can witness your Deed Poll as long as they know you and they are independent of you. 'Independent' means they are not a relative, partner or someone who lives at the same address as you.


You do not need a solicitor or public notary to act as a witness to your deed poll if you are British and live in the UK unless you a resident of Jersey.


If you are a British citizen  and live overseas, you might need to have your Deed Poll witnessed by a lawyer or a notary public. Please seek legal advice.


If you are not a British and live in the UK, you should check with your embassy or seek legal advice. 

Do I need to enrol my Deed Poll?

There is no official central register of name changes in the UK. You do not need to register your Deed Poll anywhere.


Enrolling your Deed Poll means it will be lodged in the Enrolment Books of the Supreme Court of Judicature. Enrolling a deed poll is not necessary and has no legal benefit. The process can be complicated and expensive.


There is no difference in term of effectiveness between an enrolled Deed Poll and the Deed Poll we sell.

Any restrictions on names and titles?

You can change your name for any reason, provided that it is not for deceptive or fraudulent purposes. However, names should not:


- Be impossible to pronounce or very long.

- Includes numbers or symbols.

- Be vulgar, offensive or blasphemous. 

- Promote criminal activities and racial or religious hatred.

- Be a trademark or be subject to copyright.

- For Home Office applications, include diacritical marks (‌accents, cedillas, circumflexes, umlauts, etc).


It is also possible to change your title on your Deed Poll, as long as it is a genuine title.

Who will accept my Deed Poll?

Once you have completed and signed your Deed Poll, it should be accepted by all UK public departments and private organisations.


However, some factors need to be taken into consideration, such as your nationality and country of residence. 

Who can change their name?


You can legally change your name if you are 16 years of age or over, unless there are related court orders or legal restrictions in place against you, or you intend to deceive someone.



If you are a British citizen and currently live in the UK, then in general, there are no restrictions to change your name by Deed Poll.


If you are a British citizen and currently live outside of the UK, please note that cases can be different, so please seek legal advice.


If you are not a British citizen and currently live inside/outside of the UK, then cases can be different. Please seek legal advice.

Can I change my name on any official documents?

Some documents are considered to be historical records. In most cases, historical records cannot be changed. Deed Polls can not be used to change historical records. 


Therefore, Deed Polls can't be used to change your name on your original marriage, birth, civil partnership, divorce decree absolute, educational or professional certificates. However, a Deed Poll can still be used as legal evidence to show your change of name alongside your historical records. 

Can I use a photocopy of my deed poll?

We don't recommend you to photocopy your Deed Poll as some organisations might need to see the original copy with original signatures. Therefore, it is always better to send or show your original signed Deed Poll.

Can I use a Deed Poll in Scotland?

Yes, you can. Deed Poll is recognised by all UK public departments, companies and organisations, although it is an English legal document. Deed Poll is a valid legal document in all parts of the United Kingdom. You should have no issues using our Deed Poll in Scotland.  

Is there an official Deed Poll service?

In the UK, there is NO such thing as an official or approved Deed Poll service. Some websites may try to trick their visitors into thinking that they are an official service. The truth is that all deed poll service providers are private companies.

Why shall I choose you?

  • Our Deed Poll will be accepted anywhere in the UK.
  • Our Deed Poll is simple, easy and straightforward.   
  • Complete your Deed Poll without any fuss from the comfort of your own home.
  • Save time. Buy your Deed Poll within few minutes. 

How do I get more copies of my Deed Poll?

If you have purchased your Deed Poll from us and now you need more copies, then please send us a message via our Contact Us page. Please mention your purchase ID and how many copies you want to buy.



If you have lost or misplaced your original Deed Poll, which was purchased from somewhere else, you can order a Replacement Deed Poll. Please click here for more details. 

Any other questions?

Please feel free to contact us through the 'Contact Form' located in our Contact Us page. Please note that we are unable to provide any legal advice or answer any legal questions.